Many years have passed now and most of us
may be pursuing higher education, working, or even contemplating what we want
to do in life. However, there’s something important (in my humble opinion)
should grab your attention. This can be an insight that will help you or your
juniors in doing better in life.
Cramming, cramming, cramming, and cramming
to pass an exam. Is what it means to most. Even I am guilty of studying a certain
subject just for the “sake of it” or just to pass an exam. Why? Because at the
time more than understanding WHY I am studying something or WHY it is important
to me and part of the education in school, I was interested in getting exams over
with so I could play all day with friends – sending kites, riding bicycles,
climbing trees and playing computer games. Hence, to be honest, I never really understood
HOW what I was studying could help me at any point in life.
Modern-day Distractions
After all, why we
are educated is so that we could live a better life in harmony with others
Fast forward a few years, maybe still the
desire to understand the importance of studying hasn’t hit you. Plus, with all
the distractions out there how could we even concentrate right!? “I hope my new
profile picture will be a hit” or “I hope She/He replies positively” are the
thoughts that build an empire in our heads these days. I don’t blame you, but
remember, balance is important.
Balancing Act
Balance your education and social life.
Education is what has helped most successful people in the world. By “Education”
I don’t only refer to getting paper qualifications, but also to the burning
thirst for self-learning which can be quenched if you merely visit a library or go
on Youtube to research topics that interest you. Focus on adding value to
yourself. Remember, knowledge is power, and how you use it matters!
How do I make that boundary between studying
and learning? I look at it this way; you may be studying for an exam and while
browsing through the study material, you come across a rather murky area which
you don’t understand at all. “If I go in-depth and TRY to understand this area,
I am sacrificing the time I had set aside for my exam preparation or content consumption”
is what I used to think.This is true, however, there’s nothing like making the effort to make sense of something that does not. Learning is all about going that "Extra mile".
It's a Process
This process of asking questions adds so much
to your knowledge and as a result you attain lasting knowledge with you that
you don’t necessarily have to “Study” to explain the concept to anyone, you then would be able to logically apply that learning to real-life scenarios
Now this
is what sets you apart from the rest. So go out there and start adding value to yourself! 💪
Don't forget to share with friends 😊
Mahen Brendon Makalande
Sri Lanka
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