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Showing posts from May 14, 2020

Driving Into A Sustainable Future | Luxury Performance SUVs Are Here To Stay!

Source; What if I told you that luxury, refinement, power, performance, and presence could be combined into a   sustainable product? A product that goes “Above and Beyond” and challenges stereotypes. We as humans make choices every single day, 24/7, 365 days of the year, but how many of them are “Sustainable”? The Bigger Picture If I told you that I made a conscious effort to promote sustainable lifestyles and this affected the thinking patterns of 1000 people who saved 1 liter of water a day? This leads to a saving of 365,000 liters of water a year . Imagine, a million people doing this. I will allow you to do the math. This is the bigger picture I am trying to create awareness around and focus people’s attention on. The Choice Is Yours This article focuses on one of the occasional, but key decisions we make which can get us one step closer to saving the world from air pollution and depleting reserves of Oil through sustainable lifestyle choices...
